Words Matter – Interpersonal Violence

Interpersonal violence is harmful physical or psychological behavior from one person or group towards another. It can be a traumatic event, affecting the mental health of both the victim and the perpetrator. Examples include intimate partner violence, elder abuse, and workplace violence.

Words Matter – Social Support

Social support refers to how supported you feel by others, including work colleagues, family, and friends. People choose who will “be there for them” from their social networks, enhancing their health and well-being. This support fosters acceptance, connectedness, positive relationships, and a sense of “mattering.”

Words Matter – Recovery

Recovery is a personal journey to well-being, especially for those with mental disorders, chronic health conditions, or chronic pain. Recovery is widely embraced as an ongoing process of self-determined positive change toward a meaningful life with hope and optimism wherein one is engaged in valued daily activities, while managing or reducing symptoms.

Words Matter – First Responder

CIPHER created the Words Matter campaign to share and promote a collective understanding of many well-known and used mental health terms that describe various occupationally related challenges many public safety personnel (PSP), healthcare workers (HCWs), veterans, and their families face every day. Learn more about the definitions of “First Responder” and “Public Safety Personnel” by reading our brief guide.

Words Matter – Adverse Childhood Experiences

CIPHER created the Words Matter campaign to share and promote a collective understanding of many well-known and used mental health terms that describe various occupationally related challenges many public safety personnel (PSP), healthcare workers (HCWs), veterans, and their families face every day. This infographic focuses on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) which are stressful or traumatic events occurring during childhood, which can have long-term negative effects on health and well-being.

Words Matter – Intersectionality

Intersectionality examines how various aspects of our identities, such as race, gender, and background, influence the way we are treated, revealing that certain factors can affect privilege or disadvantage. Understanding intersectionality sheds light on the dynamics of inequality. Ideally, this fosters a world that will increase efforts to improve fairness, value every voice, and promote universal respect. It’s crucial to recognize that advantages vary widely among individuals and groups, shaped by societal perceptions that can impact entire communities.

Words Matter – Anxiety Disorder

CIPHER created the Words Matter campaign to share and promote a collective understanding of many well-known and used mental health terms that describe various occupationally related challenges many public safety personnel (PSP), healthcare workers (HCWs), veterans, and their families face every day.

The Great Canadian Fire Census 2022

This document offers a brief summary of the discoveries in “The Great Canadian Fire Census 2022,” emphasizing significant outcomes, delineating subsequent steps, and formulating insightful conclusions.

CIPHER Webinar Series: Beyond Silence and PeerOnCall (Full Webinar)

In January 2024, CIPHER hosted a webinar focusing on app-based support for Public Safety Personnel (PSP) and Healthcare Workers (HCW). Members of the Beyond Silence and PeerOnCall teams shared insights into their respective project. If you missed this session and would like to learn more you can watch the full length presentation here.