
The Expansion and Evaluation of the Before Operational Stress (BOS) project offers evidence-informed training to public safety personnel and frontline healthcare workers across Canada who are regularly exposed to potentially psychologically traumatic events. CIPSRT continues to conduct independent evaluations of the effectiveness of the BOS program and contribute to crucial research.
The Beyond Silence project has advanced and tested an innovative new e-mental health app for healthcare workers designed to reduce barriers accessing mental health information and support, and provide real-time access to confidential, quality peer support.
The Healthcare Salute project is designed to support the mental health and wellbeing needs of Canadian healthcare workers serving throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Research on healthcare providers’ mental health and their experiences serving during the pandemic is being incorporated into evidence-based resources and learning content specifically designed for this population.

Bringing Mental Health Resources to Long-Term Care

Bringing mental health resources to long term-care equips long-term care staff with the capacity to deliver training that builds a common baseline of knowledge on what mental health is, why it matters, and what to do when mental health needs are identified in oneself and/or a peer. This program not only builds on the unique complexities in long-term care through a customized version of the Working Mind program, but it also implements a train-the-trainer model so staff can administer the custom course in their home.

Advancing Peer Support Program. Addressing PTSD and Trauma Among Canadian Public Safety Personnel and Veterans

The Advancing Peer Support Program provides a coordinated national approach to peer support for public safety personnel, enable evidence-based improvements and standardization, and ultimately leads to independent nationally-recognized accreditations. This project will also develop and deploy OnCall and OnCallSupport, a mobile health platform that provides private, secure access to peer support.

Offering Mental Health Promotion, Resources and Support

Families are also impacted by the occupational risks associated with public safety work. PSPNET Families is an online wellbeing hub designed to support public safety families in their specific yet diverse mental health challenges. A federally-funded online service, PSPNET Families complements PSPNET in offering internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy to first responders and other PSP.

Building the Psychological Strength of Fire Fighters

Resilient Minds™ is a trauma-informed, peer-to-peer training program designed to enhance the personal resilience of fire services personnel. The Canadian Mental Health Association will adapt, translate, pilot, evaluate, and implement Resilient Minds™ for both Francophone fire fighters and Indigenous fire fighters, who have been affected by or are at higher risk of trauma-related psychological impacts due to their line of work and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Revel - Improving health care wellbeing

Revel has developed a comprehensive framework, A Brief Guide for Health Care Organizations: How to Support a Flourishing Health Care Workforce, which serves as the cornerstone of their work. On this foundation, Revel has created the Revel Method—an innovative implementation approach that addresses workplace wellbeing, burnout, and demoralization through engaging and empowering strategies. To support this method, Revel has developed the Revel Toolkit, a comprehensive set of resources for all levels of a health care organization, including organizational, leadership, team and individual tools.

Training & Development Program for Public Safety Personnel

The Training and Development Program for Public Safety Personnel (PSP) project improves access to relevant and urgent training for public safety personnel and individuals who work with or support PSP. It expands upon the Canadian Institute for Public Safety Research and Treatment’s (CIPSRT) existing knowledge mobilization with courses like Treatment 101. The project also provides increased reach for existing training like ER2MR and testing new opportunities like Sleep 101.